Unveiling the Hidden Patterns: AI-Driven Innovations in Image Processing and Acoustic Signal Detection
AI, Image Processing, Acoustic Signal Detection, CNN, RNN, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Feature ExtractionAbstract
Image processing, as well as acoustic signal detection, have had major enhancements over the years, and this is due to AI. In the past, most algorithms involved using basic signal processing where features needed to be extracted manually and then various rules were applied when the data grew large. Deep learning models, for example, provide a durable solution to ventilation by eliminating the need for manual feature engineering as well as improving the detection rate in areas of health, surveillance and even industrial applications. This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the emerging innovation driven by Advanced Intelligence in the field of image processing and the detection of acoustic signals with regard to the substrate patterns identified by AI technologies such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), as well as other sophisticated algorithms. The paper also describes how AI, when combined with image processing and acoustic detection, can add more value to the results being produced. Due to the large number of cases and training data, patterns can be learned and are as follows: image classification, object detection, process anomaly detection in industrial systems, as well as acoustic event recognition in noisy environments. The paper aims to provide an understanding of the AI methodologies adopted in both domains and, to this end, offers examples of specific industries and rationales for their implementation of these technologies. An extensive discussion of the basics of neural networks and their modifications is provided, with emphasis on the application of those structures for automated image feature extraction and acoustic pattern recognition. We also study the issues of comparison, accuracy, computational complexity, and the ability of AI models to function in similar conditions. This article also seeks to present how AI models can be enhanced by integrating image processing with acoustic signal detection methods and should produce possible research directions for increasing AI performance. Finally, the authors recap the main findings, provide information about advanced methods in their field, and show some possible future uses in self-driving cars, robots and drones, and meteorological monitoring.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hemanth Kumar Gollangi, Sanjay Ramdas Bauskar, Chandrakanth Rao Madhavaram, Eswar Prasad Galla, Janardhana Rao Sunkara, Mohit Surender Reddy (Author)
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