AI-Driven Solutions for Detecting and Blocking Unwanted Messages on User Walls


  • Arrenholz Grace Abigail USA Author


phishing attempts, AI-driven solutions


In the digital age, social media platforms have become a critical medium for communication and information sharing. However, the proliferation of unsolicited messages, including spam, phishing attempts, and other unwanted content, poses significant challenges to user experience and privacy. This paper explores AI-driven solutions for detecting and blocking unwanted messages on user walls. We present a comprehensive framework that leverages machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and real-time data analysis to identify and filter out undesirable content. The proposed system utilizes supervised learning techniques to train models on labeled datasets, enabling the accurate detection of spam and other malicious messages. Additionally, we integrate deep learning methods to enhance the system's ability to understand context and semantics, further improving its filtering capabilities. Our approach not only aims to safeguard users from potential threats but also enhances the overall user experience by reducing clutter and maintaining a clean communication environment. The efficacy of the system is evaluated through extensive experiments and real-world case studies, demonstrating its robustness and reliability in diverse scenarios. The findings suggest that AI-driven solutions are effective and scalable for maintaining the integrity of user walls in social media environments.


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How to Cite

AI-Driven Solutions for Detecting and Blocking Unwanted Messages on User Walls. (2014). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 2(1), 1-9.