Cryptographic Approaches to Privacy-Preserving Multi-Owner Data Sharing in Cloud Infrastructures


  • Becker James Aiden USA Author


cloud computing, homomorphic, encryption


In the era of cloud computing, data sharing among multiple owners has become increasingly prevalent, necessitating robust privacy-preserving mechanisms. This paper delves into the cryptographic approaches that facilitate secure and private data sharing in multi-owner cloud infrastructures. We explore the use of advanced cryptographic techniques, such as homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, and attribute-based encryption, to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and access control. By integrating these cryptographic methods, we address the challenges of data security and privacy in a collaborative cloud environment. Our study evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of these approaches, providing a comprehensive analysis of their applicability in real-world scenarios. This research contributes to the development of secure cloud infrastructures, promoting trust and privacy in multi-owner data sharing.


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How to Cite

Cryptographic Approaches to Privacy-Preserving Multi-Owner Data Sharing in Cloud Infrastructures. (2014). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 2(1), 10-21.