Outsourcing Strategies and Secure Data Encryption in OpenStack Swift Environments


  • Kuldeep Singh Arya INDIA Author
  • G. Krishnan Kutty INDIA Author


Cloud Computing, Data Encryption, OpenStack Swift, Data Outsourcing, Cloud Security, Object Storage, Data Confidentiality, Secure Cloud Storage, Encryption Algorithms


As cloud computing continues to evolve, the demand for secure and efficient data storage solutions has grown significantly. OpenStack Swift, a widely adopted object storage system, provides a scalable and flexible platform for managing large volumes of unstructured data. However, the security of outsourced data remains a paramount concern, necessitating robust encryption strategies. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of outsourcing strategies and secure data encryption methods tailored for OpenStack Swift environments. We explore various encryption algorithms and their implementation within Swift, highlighting their strengths and potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, we propose a comprehensive framework that integrates encryption protocols seamlessly with data outsourcing practices, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Our findings demonstrate that a strategic combination of encryption and outsourcing can effectively mitigate security risks, providing a secure cloud storage solution for organizations.


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How to Cite

Outsourcing Strategies and Secure Data Encryption in OpenStack Swift Environments. (2015). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 3(2), 47-59. https://jrtcse.com/index.php/home/article/view/JRTCSE.2015.2.3