Framework Design for Integrating Source Code Analysis in Web Application Security Audits




Dynamic Analysis, Software Development Lifecycle, Security Framework


In the era of digital transformation, securing web applications is paramount due to the increasing number of cyber threats. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for integrating source code analysis into web application security audits. The proposed framework leverages both static and dynamic analysis techniques to identify vulnerabilities at different stages of the software development lifecycle. By automating the analysis process, the framework aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of security audits, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring thorough coverage of potential security flaws. Case studies and experimental results demonstrate the framework's effectiveness in identifying critical vulnerabilities and providing actionable insights for remediation. This approach not only improves the security posture of web applications but also facilitates compliance with industry standards and regulations.


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How to Cite

Framework Design for Integrating Source Code Analysis in Web Application Security Audits. (2019). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 7(2), 11-19.