Current Trends and Future Directions in Concealed Face Identification and Tracking Using Deep Learning


  • SRI VAISHNAV REDDY Data Specialist, USA Author


concealed face identification, deep learning algorithms, convolutional , neural networks, multi-modal integration, adversarial robustness, Ethical considerations, real-time processing, societal implications


Concealed face identification has emerged as a critical frontier in computer vision, driven by the increasing prevalence of face occlusion in real-world scenarios. This review examines current trends, challenges, and future directions in concealed face identification using deep learning techniques. Deep learning architectures, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and attention mechanisms, have shown promise in overcoming the visibility limitations posed by masks and other obstructions. However, challenges such as variability in occlusion types, data scarcity, and ethical considerations persist. Future advancements in multi-modal integration, continual learning, and adversarial robustness are anticipated to enhance recognition accuracy and mitigate security risks. Interdisciplinary collaboration and ethical frameworks will be pivotal in navigating the societal implications of concealed face identification technologies, ensuring their responsible deployment and integration into diverse applications. This review underscores the transformative potential of deep learning in advancing concealed face identification while advocating for ethical standards that uphold privacy and fairness in digital environments.


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How to Cite

SRI VAISHNAV REDDY. (2023). Current Trends and Future Directions in Concealed Face Identification and Tracking Using Deep Learning. JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 11(1), 1-10.