Enhancing Cloud Data Security Through User Behavior Tracking and Multi-Layered Authentication Mechanisms


  • Velpuri Venkata Naveen Data Security Consultant, USA Author


Cloud Data Security, User Behavior Tracking, Pattern Detection, Multi-layered Security, Security Questions, Aadhar Card Verification, OTP Authentication, Decoy Information, Unauthorized Access Prevention, Data Protection Mechanisms


Cloud computing is a platform that offers a range of utilities and services via the Internet, serving as a promising technology for developing large-scale, on-demand computing infrastructure. A private cloud provides the same comprehensive services as public cloud but is dedicated to a single organization, making it ideal for businesses with dynamic or unpredictable computing needs. It offers similar benefits to the public cloud, including self-service, multi-tenancy, and the ability to create multiple virtual machines for complex tasks like big data processing. However, these computing paradigms introduce new security challenges that existing protection mechanisms cannot address. To safeguard sensitive data, we propose the creation of decoy files containing irrelevant and unrelated information. These decoy files are presented to unauthorized users, while the system monitors user behavior to detect unauthorized access to the cloud.


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How to Cite

Enhancing Cloud Data Security Through User Behavior Tracking and Multi-Layered Authentication Mechanisms. (2024). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 12(1), 6-9. https://jrtcse.com/index.php/home/article/view/JRTCSE.2024.1.2