AI-Driven Solutions for Real-Time Waste Monitoring and Management


  • Dr. K. Vasudevan Author


AI-driven waste management, real-time waste monitoring, smart sensors, data analytics


In response to the growing complexities and inefficiencies of traditional waste management systems, AI-driven solutions have emerged as a transformative approach to real-time waste monitoring and management. This research paper explores the integration of advanced AI technologies, including smart sensors, data analytics, and machine learning algorithms, to enhance waste management practices. Through a comprehensive examination of how these technologies work, the paper highlights the significant benefits they offer, such as increased operational efficiency, substantial cost savings, and positive environmental impacts. Furthermore, it addresses the technical and ethical challenges associated with implementing AI solutions, including data accuracy, system integration, privacy concerns, and initial investment costs. The paper also outlines best practices for successful implementation, emphasizing the importance of needs assessment, technology selection, staff training, and public engagement. Ultimately, this research underscores the potential of AI-driven systems to revolutionize waste management, paving the way for smarter, more sustainable urban environments. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the practical and theoretical implications of AI in waste management, providing valuable insights for municipalities and organizations seeking to adopt these innovative technologies.


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How to Cite

AI-Driven Solutions for Real-Time Waste Monitoring and Management. (2024). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 12(2), 11-20.