AI-Powered Cloud Security: A Study on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Improved Threat Detection and Prevention


  • Anandharaj N. Author


AI-powered cloud security, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Threat detection, Threat prevention, Cloud security, Cybersecurity, Predictive analytics


AI-powered cloud security has emerged as a transformative approach to address the growing complexity and sophistication of cyber threats in the cloud computing era. This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to enhance threat detection, prevention, and response capabilities within cloud-based security solutions.

The paper delves into the key drivers behind the adoption of AI-powered cloud security, including the exponential growth of cloud-based data and applications, the increasing prevalence of advanced persistent threats, and the need for real-time, adaptive security measures. It examines how AI and ML algorithms can be leveraged to analyze vast amounts of security-related data, identify anomalies, and detect emerging threats with greater accuracy and speed than traditional security approaches. The study also investigates the various AI-powered security capabilities, such as predictive analytics, automated incident response, and self-healing systems, that can be integrated into cloud security platforms. It explores the challenges and considerations associated with the implementation of AI-powered cloud security, including data privacy, model interpretability, and the integration of AI with existing security infrastructure. The paper presents case studies and real-world examples that demonstrate the tangible benefits of AI-powered cloud security, such as improved threat detection rates, reduced incident response times, and enhanced overall security posture. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for cloud service providers, security professionals, and decision-makers seeking to leverage the power of AI and ML to strengthen their cloud security strategies.


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How to Cite

AI-Powered Cloud Security: A Study on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Improved Threat Detection and Prevention. (2024). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 12(2), 21-30.