Evaluating the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Facilitating Multiple Intelligence-Based Language Learning Environments


  • Sarah Jane G Author


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Multiple Intelligences, Language Learning, Personalized Learning, Natural Language Processing, Adaptive Learning Systems, Interactive Simulations, Educational Technology, Learning Styles, Cognitive Strengths, Educational Accessibility


This research paper examines the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in facilitating language learning environments based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. The study explores how AI technologies can be integrated to cater to diverse cognitive strengths, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, and interpersonal intelligences, enhancing the personalization and adaptability of language education. Key AI tools and technologies, including natural language processing systems, adaptive learning platforms, and interactive simulations, are evaluated for their ability to support various learning styles and intelligences. The paper also addresses challenges and limitations, such as technological accessibility, data biases, and the need for human-like interactions, which may impact the effectiveness of AI in educational settings. The research methodology includes defining evaluation criteria, designing research frameworks, and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data to assess AI's impact. The findings suggest that while AI holds significant promise for personalized and effective language learning, addressing these challenges is crucial for maximizing its potential. Future research should focus on refining AI technologies, improving accessibility, and ensuring that tools are inclusive and effective for all learners. The paper concludes that a thoughtful and inclusive approach is essential for leveraging AI to enhance language learning outcomes and meet the diverse needs of learners.


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How to Cite

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Facilitating Multiple Intelligence-Based Language Learning Environments. (2024). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 12(2), 31-39. https://jrtcse.com/index.php/home/article/view/JRTCSE.2024.2.4