Advancements in Gene Expression Analysis Through Distinguishability-Based Feature Selection


  • Nur Ernawan Salim malaysia Author


Gene expression analysis, Microarray data, Feature selection, Distinguishability, Weighted feature selection, Classification accuracy, Bioinformatics, Disease biomarkers


Gene expression analysis using microarray data has become a cornerstone in bioinformatics for understanding disease mechanisms and discovering biomarkers. However, the high dimensionality and noise inherent in gene expression data pose significant challenges for effective classification. This study introduces a novel feature selection algorithm based on distinguishability and weighted feature assessment to enhance classification accuracy. Our proposed method evaluates the distinguishability of each gene across different classes and assigns weights accordingly, ensuring that highly discriminative genes are prioritized. Extensive experiments on benchmark microarray datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly improves classification performance compared to traditional methods. The results suggest that distinguishability-based weighted feature selection is a promising avenue for refining gene expression analysis, ultimately aiding in more accurate disease diagnosis and treatment planning.


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How to Cite

Advancements in Gene Expression Analysis Through Distinguishability-Based Feature Selection. (2015). JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ( JRTCSE), 3(2), 30-36.